Workers at the Apple Store in the World Trade Center accuse the Company of Breaking Union Contracts
On their behalf, the Communications Workers of America has filed an Unfair Labor Practice charge.
This Monday, the Communications Workers of America filed a second accusation of Unfair Labor Practices against Apple. This time, the labor group claims that the internet giant broke many federal labor rules at its landmark World Trade Center location. According to the complaint, Apple questioned staff at the WTC shop about their "protected coordinated activity." Apple is also accused of monitoring those activities, or at least making employees believe they were. Those instances occurred on or around May 3rd, according to the group's declaration.
By May 15th, the group said that Apple had "illegally adopted" a policy prohibiting employees from putting union flyers in work areas during their breaks. It also accuses the tech behemoth of giving "captive-audience" talks to prevent workers from organizing.
Apple Store employees in the United States began organizing earlier this year in an attempt to convince the corporation to raise their wages, which they believe isn't keeping up with the cost of living. In reaction, Apple is said to have recruited anti-union law firm Littler Mendelson, whose clients include Starbucks and McDonald's. According to a Motherboard story, the business has reportedly begun providing store managers with anti-union talking points.
They were reportedly told to remind employees that joining a union could cost them job possibilities, personal time off, and work flexibility.
On behalf of employees at the Cumberland Mall shop, the Communications Workers of America filed an Unfair Labor Practices lawsuit against Apple on May 17th. In it, the group accused the corporation of hosting forced captive audience sessions about the impending Atlanta union election, which is set to take place in early June.
CWA Deputy Organizing Director Tim Dubnau said:
"Workers at Apple stores around the country are demanding a say and a seat at the table. Unfortunately, and in defiance of its professed beliefs, Apple has reacted like any other American firm, using heavy-handed techniques to intimidate and compel employees. The best thing Apple can do is let employees decide whether or not they want to join a union. When we learn of instances where Apple is breaking the law, we plan to hold the firm accountable and assist workers in asserting their legal rights."