It hits a little differently, doesn't it? Texts turn green.

Google has been publicly pressuring Apple to use the GSMA's RCS communications system ever since the year began. The campaign of the search engine giant has included anything from lengthy
Twitter threads from the head of Android to
not-so-subtle barbs about I/O 2022.
Drake is now a party to the conflict.
We experienced #TextsGoGreen differently, so we had to release this unauthorized lyric explanatory video with the hashtag #GetTheMessage.
June 18, 2022 — Android (@Android)
The third song from the rapper's most recent album, "Texts Go Green," was the
subject of a message from the Android Twitter account that was picked up by
9to5Google. Drake sings about a bad relationship in the song. The song "Texts Go Green" makes reference to what happens when an iPhone user prevents someone from reaching them over iMessage in both the title and chorus. The service switches to SMS by default, and the blacklisted person loses all of the advantages of iMessage, including read receipts if they were previously enabled by the other party.
Google describes the song as "a genuine banger" and claims that the "phenomenon" of the green text bubbles is "quite unpleasant" for non-iPhone users as well as for anyone who is blocked. In the video, Apple states, "If only some incredibly talented technical team at Apple would solve this." Because only Apple can solve this issue. Actually, all they have to do is implement RCS.
The irony of Google's video is that it fails to adequately explain what
"Texts Go Green" means. Drake finds solace in the fact that
iMessage and RCS are incompatible in the context of the song. His song begins,
"Texts go green, it hits a little different, don't it?"
I moved on so long ago, but I know you miss the times when I was griping about it. You're in a house tonight just thinking about it.
But hey, let's do whatever it takes to get Apple to adopt RCS.
Unsurprisingly, Apple has no plans to modify the colour of the bubbles or the way the Apple Messages app communicates with Android smartphones any time soon. But later this year, the iPhone manufacturer's stock messaging app will undergo some long-awaited changes as a result of
the release of iOS 16.
For the first time, Apple will allow users to amend a message they recently sent to someone with the upcoming software update, for instance.
Messages sent by users can be retrieved. But in
iOS 16, there will be a time limit on modifying and remembering texts. Both of those actions must be taken within
15 minutes after sending the message.